During my bike trip through Europe down to Spain I got interested in the pilgrim routes to Santiago de Compostela. They are many and they are known by different names in different countries. Camino de Santiago, Der Jakobsweg, Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle. I bumped in to the routes and the pilgrims from time to time but never joined the party.
Back home in Sweden I started to investigate if there were any pilgrim routes here, and some could be found, Helgonleden, Nidarosvägarna, Jämt-Norgeleden. There is information in the Internet, but it’s not very detailed and hard to find. I decided to make my own route to Trondheim and the Nidaros dome, one that could be used with a bicycle and that would be fully documented in a modern high-tech way.
In June and July 2015 I followed my route, it didn’t exactly work out as I had planned but I found lots of small nice roads and stayed off the main roads as much as possible. After some detours and trouble with equipment I reached Trondheim in 11 days and had then biked 929 km.
I wrote a blog with some high level maps during the trip, you can read them here. My next objective is to produce a detailed mapbased guide book, I hope to have the book and GPX track available for free download before the end of 2015.
The blog is available as PDF for download,
All the blog posts related to this project.