The hotel is a winter destination, well insulated, so very warm in the summer.
I have a go at the massive breakfast buffet, then it’s time to pack up and get going.
The day started with a 6 km long uphill, I am so glad I didn’t do this yesterday with 85 km in the legs. Even after a nights sleep and a breakfast buffet the uphill is very long.
As it turns out the tourist information in Funäsdalen were right, nothing much open at all before Brekka in Norway. A basic camping just before the border was it.
All the way since Sibo (day 4) I have been hearing about two people walking towards Trondheim, then at day 4 they were about two weeks ahead of me. Just before the Norwegian border I finally catch up with them. They have walked all the way, 20-30 km per day, carrying around 30 kg each. They have more gear on their backs than I have on my bike. They are walking to Trondheim and then they will travel to Ålesund and start to work on a ship. At 20-30 km/day they still have 7-10 days until Trondheim.
Just after the border the road improves, nice to ride in a rich country that can afford to maintain their countryside roads.
At the customs post there is a hotel and restaurant, I stop and get some more water. This is the first really hot summer day of the year. It is crazy warm in all of Europe.
I have been asking about the roads in Norway and it seems like I have two options, either road 30 over Røros or the much smaller road 705. They are both about 200 km, the 705 has more altitude meters and less services. The road 30 and then later E6 is much more busy but less altitude to kill.
When I reach Brekka I find a ATM and get some Norwegian money and then an ice cream. While I sit and eat it outside the shop a cyclist that lives in Trondheim and has his summerhouse near Brekka gives me detailed information about the road. The 705 is the best option.
The road goes up to almost 1000 meters altitude and it can be really cold there, today this will not be a problem since its above 30C. But just a few days ago they had night temperatures below freezing. I had really warm clothes with me so even if I would get stuck up there I would be OK.
Very beautiful road to ride, still plenty of snow. On my way up on the mountain in run in to a Danish couple that have been biking all the way from Denmark. They have their two husky dogs with them. Normally they do 20-30 km/day, the dogs cant walk and run more. Today’s heat is to much for the dogs, so they are just walking with the dogs and pushing the bikes. When I catch up with them the dogs are amusing themselves in a small creek and chase bubbles in the flowing water.
The road is mostly going up and up for the first 30-35 km until Stugudal where the first crazy drop comes.
From here it’s mainly downhill to Selbu, there are not many services along the road. Some hotels and a petrol station. I manage to get a stamp in the Tourist information.
Somewhere halfway between Funäsdalen and Trondheim I meet a Swedish biker that is going the opposite direction, he has had some downhills and mostly uphills since he left Trondheim. Good news for me.
I push on as far as I can and it is very late when I arrive at the camping/inn in Nea.
It’s not much of a camping, it’s one of those "Money please - place tent anywhere - bye bye". But after a cold beer and shower I fall in to coma quickly.