It was still dark when I woke up, the winter is coming, less than two months ago there were no nights at all, just sunshine.
The tent is really wet from condensation, it was cold last night, there is a slight fog on the water. I have some breakfast and get started with trying to wipe the tent as dry as possible and pack it up.
As I expect to be at home tomorrow I celebrate by wearing my last clean clothes, very refreshing.
Once I have packed all my stuff and is about to leave, one of the 3 other cyclists come over and starts to chat. It seems like him and one of the others are going to Nordkapp. They have tried to ride the "normal" roads, like road 56 and road 55, so now they are tired of the high risk of getting killed and that there is nowhere to ride on the "safe" high speed roads.
Since I have a beautiful desk (a.k.a. Alu-box) with me I bring my laptop out and show the Sverigeleden and Cykelspåret, it would make the most sense for them to follow Cykelspåret since it follows the east coast of Sweden north in direction Nordkapp. We also talk about that they cant really go by train except for Gnesta/Tumba → Uppsala → Gävle → Sundsvall, but that will only make a small dent in the massive 2000+ km they have to ride to get to the Nordkapp.
We also talk about that they will have snow before they reach the Nordkapp and that going north will mean more than 1 hour less daylight per week, so maybe soon they will have to ride in the dark.
I leave them with a copy of the maps with all Swedish campings on, campings will soon start to close but it’s better than nothing. They have have gotten lots of info to consider and think through and I wish them good luck and leave for the coast.
The day turns out to be long and slow, there is plenty of gravel and slow bumpy roads. The only nice surprise of the day is that I find a donut sale at a supermarket, 3 apple/cinnamon donuts for 10 SEK.
After some very long hours of headwind and slow roads I find a pizzeria in Tystberga and order a pizza late lunch/early dinner, from there it’s not so far to go. I had hoped for the camping in Trosa which I know is a nice one, but I am to tired to make it.
There has been long days and many kilometers since leaving Göteborg, not the ideal bike touring mode but I want to get home now. I spot a hostel in Nynäs slott, but it was closed and no-one answered their phone when I rang. So that leaves me with Sandviks Camping, it’s not listed on camping.se and it’s very basic. The reception is open between 18:30 and 19:00 so that I at least can pay the 100 SEK they want.
I pitch my tent and then shower, still full from the pizza I fall asleep very early.
Tomorrow I will bike through Stockholm and arrive at home, it feels great.