Day 12, Ånäset – Skellefteå 81 km

I wake up when the alarm rings, seems like it was ages since I heard my alarm. I must be tired, good that I have two full days of rest planned in Skellefteå. I pack all my stuff quickly and clean the cabin. I ride in to the village and find the local supermarket (ICA), it doesn’t open until 9. So I am stuck outside waiting. While I sit waiting a guy wearing clothes with the supermarket logo on walks by with a baby stroller, I ask him if he’s out delivering food. He has just dropped his kids off at kindergarten.

Figure 1. Map day 12-14

In a few minutes he comes out from the store again and tells me that he has opened the store and I can come in the back door and do my shopping, its still 40 minutes to official opening hours.

He tells me that the family has been running the store since 1906, imagine all the history accumulated in 107 years.

In the store I bump in to the rest of the staff and we have a group discussion about which route to take and not, they have detailed information about every bump and bend of every road in the area.

I eat my breakfast outside and contemplate all the info about the roads, I decide to avoid some of the road works on the road I was going on and go with the highway E4 20 km until next town.

In Lövånger I find some Thai food and have lunch. I ask some more locals about roads and decide to get off the highway and go on the old road. Its a very nice road to bike, sometimes on the cykelspåret and sometimes not.

I arrive in Skellefteå and find the hostel 2 km outside town, I check in and I get to lock my bike in their “garden shed”, since the reception is closed during weekends I get the key.

Figure 2. My room at the hostel
Figure 3. Bike in garden shed

There is a supermarket just 200 meters away, I go there and shop for dinner and breakfast.

Its very hot and daylight late in the evening , but I have no problems falling asleep.

Day 13, Skellefteå – Skellefteå 0 km

First day of rest in Skellefteå. I wake up at 9 and I am really hungry. I go over to the reception building where the kitchen is and have my breakfast. Hostel in Skellefteå

Figure 4. Hostel in Skellefteå

I go shopping for lunch and dinner. Some laundry gets done.

Checking the route ahead and write down stuff about camping’s and hostels, finding out what my options are. Finally I can start to use my new map over Finland that I bought, Skellefteå and north of it is on that map. It has updated road info and camping’s marked.

I start to read Jill Homer’s book Be Brave, Be Strong: A Journey Across the Great Divide on my Sony eReader

Day 14, Skellefteå – Skellefteå 0 km

Second day of rest in Skellefteå. There is some rain and cooler air, feels good. I have breakfast and keep reading my book for a while.

I go out to the garden shed and do some maintenance on the bike, clean and lube drive train. Tighten every bolt that has shaken loose and so on.

I find a nearby pizzeria on the map and decide to go there for late lunch/ early dinner, but its closed for business. So I end up walking to the supermarket and do some shopping instead. Dinner was kroppkakor (potato dumplings) in the hostel.

The sun is back and the room at the hostel starts to boil again, I finish the book. I start reading “Tired of I.T! – How I learned to stop worrying and love the bicycle – The Book!” by Dave Conroy

So now I will pack all my stuff in the right bags and try to sleep early, tomorrow I will head for Piteå. I am not sure if I will make it all the way but I found two camping’s at 30 km and 60 km from here.